Kapidhwaj AI
Role: Software Engineer- Intern
Duration: May 2024- Present
Technology: Audio/Video Streming, Google Cloud, WebRTC, FFmpeg, NodeJs, Computer Networking
Currently interning at a startup founded by an IIT Hyderabad alumnus, specializing in crime detection using an ML-based model with high accuracy and low latency. My key contributions include:
Customizing MediaMTX: Modified the open-source media server MediaMTX (written in Go) to meet our specific requirements. Successfully deployed the media server on Google Cloud, enabling it to handle IP camera feed reception and distribution to multiple users. Additionally, implemented stream recording functionality with fixed duration intervals.
Raspberry PI Stream Collector: Developed a Node.js application running on Raspberry PI to collect local streams and publish them to the media server on Google Cloud using FFmpeg.
On-premise solution :: Currently developing a solution where all cloud services, including media server, API server, and database, will be hosted on local hardware at the client’s premises. This approach enables clients to access their camera streams from anywhere in the world, without relying on cloud infrastructure.
Role: Software Engineer- Full time
Duration: July 2021- July 2023
Technology: MEAN Stack, WebRTC,AWS,Electron
I was part of the development team for Bozu, a video conferencing application similar to Google Meet.
Here are some of the major work done by me.
I developed features for Bozu’s desktop application, including closed captions, meeting recordings, desktop notifications, and a crash reporter. I also contributed to UI enhancements and Angular component development for the web app.
Optimized server code of bozu and devised auto-scaling policies for AWS infrastructur.
Orchestrated deployment of scaled servers of bozu by leveraging AWS services, including CloudWatch, Autoscaling Group, RDS, and Elastic Load Balancer.
Developed a real-time logging system for bozu using MEAN stack.
Implemented Webdriver.io automation script to simlate virtual peer insertion in meetings for server load testing.